Are you a sole trader? Do you find it confusing and stressful to file your tax return process? It is easy to feel lost because this process needs so many forms to fill out and a plethora of information needed. It is hard to comprehend what type of details you need and how to document your income and expenses. 

This blog post will deliver the top basic tips for filing a sole trader tax return successfully.

Tips for Filing a Successful Sole Trader Tax Return

When it comes to filing taxes as a sole trader, certain tips can make the process smoother and more successful. From keeping accurate records to understanding deductions, the key is to be organized and knowledgeable about the tax laws that apply to you. Above all, no one wants to face an audit or fines. 

The following are the basic tips to help you file a successful sole trader tax return.

Keep Accurate Records

One of the most significant things is to keep accurate records throughout the year. It will make filing your sole trader tax return more manageable and straightforward. 

All your income and expenditures, including receipts, invoices, and bank statements, must remain in records. Keeping accurate records will make it less complicated to calculate the net profit for you.

Use Accounting Software

Using accounting software is another fundamental tip to file your tax return effortlessly.

This software will help you maintain records of your earnings and expenditures. 

QuickBooks, Xero, and Wave are the best available options for this purpose. They will help you organize your expenditures, track your cash flow, and generate financial reports. Using accounting software can also save you time and lessen the risk of blunders.

Understand Your Tax Obligations

As a sole trader, it is essential to understand your payment obligations and deadline. It is your basic tax commitment to pay income tax as well as other relevant taxes such as GST, on your net profit. By comprehending and completing these responsibilities, you can make your business stay in good standing, plus you can also avoid any potential headaches down the line.

Keep Business and Personal Expenses Separate

One common mistake that sole trader make is mixing their business and personal expenses. It's important to keep these expenses separate to calculate your net profit and claim deductions accurately. You should have a separate bank account and credit card for your business and only use these accounts for business expenses.

Claim All Deductions

For sole trader tax returns, claiming all deductions is a crucial step. It will help you lower your taxable income. Therefore, it is necessary to proclaim the deduction you are allowed to. It contains expenses like rent, office reserves, publicity, and travel. 

It will also help you to boost your net profit which can make a difference between a mediocre year and a great one.

Consider Hiring a Tax Professional

You should also consider hiring a tax professional to file a successful tax return. These specialists will help you comprehend your tax responsibilities and determine deductions. They will also help you to file your sole trader tax return accurately. However, hiring experts may cost you money but in return, it will save time and reduce your pressure.

Be Aware of Changes to Tax Laws

You must be aware of the changes in tax laws. These laws can change after some time which can affect your business. Accordingly, it is necessary to stay up-to-the-minute with these modifications. 

To keep yourself contemporized with these modifications, you can check the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) website frequently. You can also confer with a tax professional to guide you on these changes.

Take Advantage of Pre-Filling

You must take advantage of pre-filling for your tax return. ATO's pre-filling service can help you by filling in your information on your sole trader tax return. This information includes your income from employers, banks and other sources. 

However, this service will help you fill your tax return more quickly but still, it is essential to revive your information to ensure it is valid.

File On Time

The next tip to avoid penalties and interest charges is to file the tax return on time. 31 October is the deadline for filing the tax return each year. But you can extend this deadline if you use a registered tax agent. 

However, if you want to have enough time to review your return and make modifications for your mistakes, you should file your tax return before the deadline.


Filing a victorious sole trader tax return will be a mindless process with the above ten tips. If you keep proper records, comprehend your tax responsibilities and claim all deductions, you can make the process more manageable and organized. Additionally, you can hire an accounting expert to help you with your tax return.